ZIMSEC Advanced Level Geography Notes
Form 5
- Coordinates and Coordinate systems
- Projection
- Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
- Conceptual models of geographic space
- Georeferencing and spatial data capture
Form 6
- The remote sensing system
- Image acquisition and structure
- Resolution
- Image interpretation
Form 5
- Levels of measurement
- Univariate statistics
- Bivariate statistics
- Graphs and maps
- Research techniques
Form 6
- Spatial interpolation
- Measures of spatial autocorrelation
Form 5
- Environmental pollution and environmental degradation
- Causes, effects and control measures of pollution
- Causes, effects and control measures of environmental degradation
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental management projects
Form 5
- Energy Budgets
- The Earth-Atmosphere Energy Budget
- Weather Processes
- Air Masses
Form 6
- Micro-climates
- Climate Change
- Weather and Climatic Hazards and mitigation
Form 5
- Plate Tectonics
- Rocks and Weathering
- Slope Development
Form 6
- Tropical Landforms Development
- Hazards, Impact and Mitigation
Form 5
- The drainage basin system
- Rainfall-discharge relationships within drainage basins
- River channel processes and landforms
- Hydrological hazards and mitigation
Form 5
- Factors affecting vegetation distribution
- Plant succession
- Biogeochemical cycles
- Gerschmel diagrams
- Biomass and biomes (tropical and temperate biomes)
- Biodiversity (plant and animal diversity)
- Plant and animal adaptation
Form 6
- Soil forming factors, soil profiles and soil catena
- Measurement of soil characteristics
- Sustainable management of ecosystem
Form 5
- Population indicators
- Population health and diseases
- Population growth
- Population-Resource Relationships
Form 6
- Migration
- Patterns of migration
- Causes and impacts of migration
- Population policies
Form 5
- Site and location of settlements
- Settlement hierarchy
- Growth points
- Land reform and resettlement
- Functions of rural and urban settlements
- Rural-urban interaction
- Urbanisation and counter urbanisation
Form 6
- Urban morphology
- Settlement development
- Spheres of influence
- Delimitation of the CBD
- Rural and urban landuse planning
Form 5
- Factors affecting agricultural production
- Agricultural Location
- Farming systems in the Tropics
- The Green Revolution
Form 6
- Land Reform and food security
- Value addition and Agribusiness
- Climate change and other threats to food security
- Responses to climatic change
Form 5
- Mining legislation and mining policies in Zimbabwe
- Environmental Impact Assessment in mining
- Prospecting methods
- Mineralogy
- Small and large scale mining enterprises
- Impact of mining and mitigation
Form 6
- Value addition and Beneficiation methods
- Marketing of minerals
- Safety and health in mining
Form 5
- Industrial Location and relocation
- Industrial Linkages and Agglomeration
- Small and medium scale Enterprises
- Hi-tech industries
- Tourism industry
Form 5
- Sources of energy in Zimbabwe: Actual and Potential
- Clean sources of energy (going green)
- Green energy generation
Form 6
- Global distribution of energy sources
- Global trends in energy use
- Sustainable management of energy sources
Form 5
- Distribution of transport systems and their purposes in Zimbabwe.
- Factors governing patterns of transport networks.
- Transport enterprise
Form 6
- Trade policies in Zimbabwe and their impact on trade
- Current trends in Zimbabwean trade
- Global inequalities in trade flows and solutions
- Factors influencing global trade patterns
- Trade opportunities in the local area
Form 5
- Indicators of economic development
- Economic activities (primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary) and their role in economic development
- Regional inequalities (causes, nature, impacts and solutions)
Form 6
- SMEs in Zimbabwe and their impact on economic development