
ZIMSEC Advanced Level Geography Notes

Form 5

  1. Coordinates and Coordinate systems
  2. Projection
  3. Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
  4. Conceptual models of geographic space
  5. Georeferencing and spatial data capture

Form 6

  1. The remote sensing system
  2. Image acquisition and structure
  3. Resolution
  4. Image interpretation

Form 5

  1. Levels of measurement
  2. Univariate statistics
  3. Bivariate statistics
  4. Graphs and maps
  5. Research techniques

Form 6

  1. Spatial interpolation
  2. Measures of spatial autocorrelation

Form 5

  1. Environmental pollution and environmental degradation
  2. Causes, effects and control measures of pollution
  3. Causes, effects and control measures of environmental degradation
  4.  Environmental Impact Assessment
  5. Environmental management projects

Form 5

  1. Energy Budgets
  2. The Earth-Atmosphere Energy Budget
  3. Weather Processes
  4. Air Masses

Form 6

  1. Micro-climates
  2. Climate Change
  3. Weather and Climatic Hazards and mitigation

Form 5

  1. Plate Tectonics
  2. Rocks and Weathering
  3. Slope Development

Form 6

  1. Tropical Landforms Development
  2. Hazards, Impact and Mitigation

Form 5

  1. The drainage basin system
  2. Rainfall-discharge relationships within drainage basins
  3. River channel processes and landforms
  4. Hydrological hazards and mitigation

Form 5

  1. Factors affecting vegetation distribution
  2. Plant succession
  3. Biogeochemical cycles
  4. Gerschmel diagrams
  5. Biomass and biomes (tropical and temperate biomes)
  6. Biodiversity (plant and animal diversity)
  7. Plant and animal adaptation

Form 6

  1. Soil forming factors, soil profiles and soil catena
  2. Measurement of soil characteristics
  3. Sustainable management of ecosystem

Form 5

  1. Population indicators
  2. Population health and diseases
  3. Population growth
  4. Population-Resource Relationships

Form 6

  1. Migration
  2. Patterns of migration
  3. Causes and impacts of migration
  4. Population policies

Form 5

  1. Site and location of settlements
  2. Settlement hierarchy
  3. Growth points
  4. Land reform and resettlement
  5. Functions of rural and urban settlements
  6. Rural-urban interaction
  7. Urbanisation and counter urbanisation

Form 6

  1. Urban morphology
  2. Settlement development
  3. Spheres of influence
  4. Delimitation of the CBD
  5. Rural and urban landuse planning

Form 5

  1. Factors affecting agricultural production
  2. Agricultural Location
  3. Farming systems in the Tropics
  4. The Green Revolution

Form 6

  1. Land Reform and food security
  2. Value addition and Agribusiness
  3. Climate change and other threats to food security
  4. Responses to climatic change

Form 5

  1. Mining legislation and mining policies in Zimbabwe
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment in mining
  3. Prospecting methods
  4. Mineralogy
  5. Small and large scale mining enterprises
  6. Impact of mining and mitigation

Form 6

  1. Value addition and Beneficiation methods
  2. Marketing of minerals
  3. Safety and health in mining


Form 5

  1. Industrial Location and relocation
  2. Industrial Linkages and Agglomeration
  3. Small and medium scale Enterprises
  4. Hi-tech industries
  5. Tourism industry

Form 5

  1. Sources of energy in Zimbabwe: Actual and Potential
  2. Clean sources of energy (going green)
  3. Green energy generation

Form 6

  1. Global distribution of energy sources
  2. Global trends in energy use
  3. Sustainable management of energy sources

Form 5

  1. Distribution of transport systems and their purposes in Zimbabwe.
  2. Factors governing patterns of transport networks.
  3. Transport enterprise

Form 6

  1. Trade policies in Zimbabwe and their impact on trade
  2. Current trends in Zimbabwean trade
  3. Global inequalities in trade flows and solutions
  4. Factors influencing global trade patterns
  5. Trade opportunities in the local area

Form 5

  1. Indicators of economic development
  2. Economic activities (primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary) and their role in economic development
  3. Regional inequalities (causes, nature, impacts and solutions)

Form 6

  1. SMEs in Zimbabwe and their impact on economic development