February 2025
Thief. Image by thief-four.com Register Character
Character refers to the way a person behaves, his manners and general behavior. Character can also be viewed as a person’s disposition, nature, personality or temperament. Some people can be described as being vain, others fearless while others can be described […]
Tone and Mood
The somber mood at a funeral. Image by Daily Mail. Register Tone and Mood
Tone and mood are often wrongly used inter-changeably although they are in some instances similar in meaning. Their differences can be more easily demonstrated when they are […]
English Language: Register: Matching questions
Register Matching questions
For years now the fifth question (usually question e) ) in register has been a matching question. The question carries 2 marks and requires you to match 4 register items in the first column to four items in the second column with each correct answer you give being worth half a mark. In some rare instances the […]
Glossary of useful Register Words
ZIMSEC Register Glossary of useful words
As a completing year student you will find the following list of words useful when answering your final public examination register questions. There are however two things that you should note:
- While this list of words was created and chosen to cover most common questions it is by no means exhaustive; it is not […]
Writing Formal Letters
Nixon’s Resignation Letter is an example of a formal letter. Image by Wikipedia. ZIMSEC Notes: Writing Formal Letters
One of the possible questions that candidates will be asked to tackle as part of their Ordinary Level English examination […]
Writing Speeches
President Barack Obama at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) event. Image via Steinershow ZIMSEC English Language Speech writing
As part of your Ordinary Level English Examination you might be asked to write a speech. Speech questions […]
Writing an informal/personal letter
Writing an Informal letter. Image by Josh Humbert ZIMSEC Personal/Informal Letter
Instead of a report, formal letter,speech or article questions, you might encounter a question asking you to write a personal/informal letter in Section B of the ZIMSEC English Language […]
Angry Couple. Image By Jet Emotions/Feelings
A feeling is an emotional state. Emotions are sensations derived from one’s circumstances, mood or relationship with others. Usually feelings are accompanied by a set of physiological changes such as a change in heartbeat or breathing rate. These changes can […]
Writing a Report
Reports are perhaps the most important form of communication. Image by Pqsl ZIMSEC Writing a report
Perhaps the most important form of communication within businesses and at the workplace is the report. They are found everywhere no matter […]