Delivery Note. Image credit spreadsheet123.com
ZIMSEC Commerce Notes: Delivery Note and Consignment Note
Delivery Note
- Is issued by a supplier to the buyer.
- It is written in duplicate
- It is used when the seller uses their own transport to deliver goods.
- It is sent with the goods.
- It is sued to check and record the state and quantity of goods on arrival.
- Provides proof of delivery if it is signed.
- The document shows:
- The names and addresses of the supplier and the buyer.
- It has a description of the goods.
- The quantity of goods.
- The date of dispatch.
- The method of delivery.
- The customer’s signature proving delivery.
Consignment Note
- It is used when transport is hired.
- It is issued by a transport provider o carrier such as Swift orĀ Pioneer Africa or NRZ ( if goods are transported by rail).
- It is issued in triplicate (i.e. there are at least 3 copies).
- It is sent together with the goods.
- It is a contract of carriage.
- It state the terms and conditions of carriage e.g. the insurance and liability terms.
- It specifies the party responsible for payment of carriage or possible damage.
- It is signed as proof of delivery.
- The sender is known as the consignor and the recipient is known as the consignee.
- It shows on it:
- The description of the goods.
- The quantities of the goods.
- The markings or crate numbers.
- The relevant freight charges.
- The names and addresses of the consignor and the consignee.
- The address to which to deliver the goods.
- The date of delivery.
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